Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I went on a geology trip with my class.
Going home to NY after 10 days pass. 
My suitcase is packed and ready to go. 
The line at the airport moves real slow. 
First day is Salt Lake City.  I hope it's neat. 
On the plane I don't get the window seat. 

We go to Salt Lake. The sand is hot. 
Should I leave my shoes on or not?
I step on rocks that slice my feet. 
Why do bugs have to bite? My blood must be sweet. 

We are ready to go. Where is Jim?
What about Seth? Did he kidnap him?
Finally the bus pulls around
As Brandon shows off his knife on the playground.  

Bison, bears, and elk, oh my!
It's so cold with no sun in the sky. 
Tourists take pics off the walk
So Kristie isn't afraid to give them the talk. 

Time is ticking by and Randy wants meat. 
Everyone falls asleep on the bus. They are beat. 
I try to open my door with soap. 
The lights turn off in the lobby;there is no hope. 

Sandra sees a bird. Is it too fat to fly?
She chases it away while making a bird cry. 

Josh is resting in the bus
With pop tarts and goldfish
Kiley is auditing
For a grade, she doesn't wish. 

Kayleen has a picture hat
On her head looking cool. 
Robbie ripped his pants twice,
The breeze is pretty cool. 

Nate is sketching hot springs
The bacteria types all look the same
But it's not his fault. 
The different colors are to blame. 

Michigan wants to be a cop. 
He has a Yellowstone badge so he can serve. 
Bringing justice to Wyoming
Just like they deserve. 

Colosimo and Barone- 
Have a flashlight on their phone 
Singing through the woods
Back to the hotel at Yellowstone. 

Only three more days to see what fun brings. 
Do you think that Liz bought enough things?
Everyone on the trip is fun and sweet. 
Grateful for this class or we would never meet. 

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