Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Danger at the Moon!

It was a cold and blustery day, 13 students stood outside Craters of the Moon National Monument awaiting instruction from their teachers. Fighting against the cold and wind they sketched lava flows and climb cinders but little did they know what awaited for them in the lava tubes. After Barone explained about lava boogers the group walked through the tube. But something was following them. Suddenly Josh yelled as a booger monster came up behind him. All at once the students grabbed their field notebooks and pencils as swords and shields to fend it off. The students let out a war cry of "hoodoo loo!" as Michigan grabbed a piece of basaltic rock and threw it at the monster putting it in a daze. As the rest of us fled the tube.
Just as all the students were safe the Monster grabbed Sandra. So Randy took out his infrared thermometer and shined it into a cave of sleeping bats who thankfully follow laser points like cats. Randy then proceeded to shine the light at the monster leading the swarm of bats to it. Sandra was saved and we left Craters of the Moon as it began to hail. 

( Not all info is true)  

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